Friday, February 19, 2010

Special Beta Chapter 11 The Best Man Teaser

Just finished the proof reading, so here's a little snippet of what's to come!

"I felt the familiar buzz of my phone in my pocket and pulled it out to see who it could be. My breath caught in my throat when I saw who the text was from. Bella.

Edward, Is it Tuesday yet? I could use some company if you’re interested. No one else. ~Bella~

I couldn't believe that she was texting me; we hadn't been apart twenty-four hours and she already wanted to see me. Those words stared at me and I couldn't help but smile.

"Must be someone good," Sarah said pulling my attention away from the message. "Anyone who can make Edward Masen smile like that must be special." All I could do was nod before my attention went back to the message. I decided to invite her to join me.

Bella, We can pretend if you want. I'm in Heaven, care to join me? No one else. ~Edward~ "


  1. Me likey lots and want more...pretty please, with a cherry on top! :-)

  2. I can't freakin wait to read this!!!! It's gonna be sooo good! Plus I wanna hear more about this Sarah chick....wonder if she's cool like me??? LOL

    Love ya,

