Monday, February 22, 2010

Chapter 10... Spanish Inquisition and A day in the life of Bella.

Chapter 12... basketball with the boys and Bella chastising Rosalie for being a prude. Who would've thought it possible? Was Emmett already starting to figure it out?

Chapter 10

Edward POV

I walked the rest of the way into my apartment. I needed to get ready and go meet Emmett. He would be expecting me soon. Images from last night kept popping into my head; I had never let any other woman have this kind of effect on me. Bella was nothing like I thought she'd be; she was elegant, sophisticated along with sassy, and relaxed. It made for one hell of a combination. She had reacted so much better than I thought she was going to when I told her I had her number; I thought she would walk out and that would be it, but she had known all along. Nor I was expecting to be so bold in asking to see her again but I had to do something; I could not take the chance of not seeing her again of not touching her again for that matter. Bella Swan was quickly becoming my addiction. I feared what that would do to me.

I was taught to use women for my physical pleasure and have no attachment to them whatsoever. When I was seventeen years old, a friend of my mother's came to visit. Carmen, she was a gorgeous and an amazing woman. She had noticed that I was not very happy; I kept to myself a lot, barricading myself in my room and concentrating on my studies and music. My parents were always fighting; I think half the time they forgot I even existed. Birthdays, holidays and special occasions didn't happen in my house. I don't know why my parents ever had me; I was told numerous times that I was a mistake and the only reason they were still together. One evening, Carmen came to me and propositioned me; she told me that she could "train" me to be happy on my own terms. That very thought fathomed me, the thought that I could be happy. I didn't think it possible for someone to care about my happiness and here was someone offering me just that. I know now that I was desperate for any type of affection she would show me.

The first thing I learned was hate for my father and fear for my mother. My father was ruled by his emotions; always wearing his heart on his sleeve. He was weak; my mother would walk all over him, like he was nothing. I had no respect for my father and kept my mother as far away as possible. I would never let a woman make me feel the way my mother had made him feel ever. It was what I feared the most. Because of this, Carmen taught me to be wary of all women, except for her; she was the exception to the rule, and the only woman who ever cared about me. She used the feelings I had towards my mother and father to fuel my desire to change myself through her "training".

The next three summers I lived with Carmen in Italy where my "training" took place. My parents didn't care, for all they knew I was living in the Rwanda with gorillas. I belonged to Carmen; she was the only woman in my life those three years. She told me often that I belonged to her and no one else while my "training" was taking place. I didn't want anyone else anyway, I loved Carmen; I hated myself for it but I did. She was trying to teach me physical pleasure without the need for emotional connection; making sure I was available to her at every beck and call. I fell for her the very first summer; I was a naive child and she was the only person to show me any type of affection. Fearing that she would see it as a weakness, I never told her. She had taught me to leave everything platonic, to take only what I needed and leave the rest so I didn't want to disappoint her. Emotions were bad and I was never to show them, ever.

I keep using the word training because that's what she used to call it. She said that sex with her was nothing but training and that it was for her pleasure and mine. It was to teach me how to live the rest of my life. She taught me that anything I craved or wanted, I could have. That any woman I wanted could be mine for the taking. Carmen knew any man she wanted was for her taking as well. I was never to give a woman the chance to walk all over me because I would be destroyed; like my father was by my mother.

Those summers I became Edward, I was no longer Eddie or Junior. Carmen always used to say that my pride got in the way; that I needed to stop trying to be what other people wanted me to be. She taught me to be the pride of flesh for her, that I was her Orgoglio. Three days before the end of the last summer, I got my tattoo; it was the same three days before she told me goodbye. She had taught me all she could. She no longer wanted me. My emotions got the best of me that day; I begged her not to leave me and told her that I loved her. She told me that was my problem, and that I had to learn to control my emotions. She had already found my replacement. I meant nothing to her. From that day forward, I told myself I would never let my emotions get the best of me. Look what they had done to me; nothing good ever comes from loving someone. That was the first and last time a woman broke my heart

Here I was in that situation again, I was breaking every rule with Bella: never get close, never show emotions, and under no circumstance show weakness. She had changed me; the minute she walked into my life I was never the same. How could I have let this happen? Before Bella left, she had staked her claim on me or at least that is what it felt like. 'No one else', three little words that meant everything. I was hers and she was mine. I wanted it more than anything, and I was not exactly sure what that meant. I feared this woman would break me.

I eventually made my way down to the basketball court. Emmett was all smiles as I walked up to him.

Emmett POV

I was about to call it quits when I saw Edward making his way over to me. He had a shit-eating grin on his face and looked like he'd been thoroughly fucked. Is it bad that I was somewhat jealous? I mean don't get me wrong, I love my wife but sex with Rosie isn't very exciting. We were fighting at the moment, and I was really looking forward to blowing off some steam with Edward. He was always reliable for a good time and some great stories.

"It's about time Doucheward," I said wiggling my eyebrows at him. "I was starting to think you were blowing me off for your houseguest."

"Very funny Minuteman," Edward replied. I hate that nickname and he knows it. "I've never stood you up and I'm not about to start, so give me a break."

"Alright man," I replied. "Let's play some ball!"

An hour later along with a bucket of sweat, Edward and I stopped to take a break.

"So Eddie," I said. "Do I get any details about this mystery woman or what?"

"Still living vicariously through me Emmett?" he asked. "I thought you and Rosalie were happy newlyweds barely getting out of bed and shit?"

"Ha, very funny Edward," I replied. "You know I can't resist a good story of yours."

"Ooh good subject dodge there Em," he said punching me in the shoulder. "Is there trouble in paradise?"

"Rosie is Rosie; can we just not talk about it?" I asked, hoping that he would drop it.

"Alright, I can take a hint." he said shrugging his shoulders. Wow, this was so unlike Edward. He would do anything to get a razz out of me about Rose. I had mentioned one night when I was drunk that Rose wasn't very adventurous in bed and ever since then he'd given me shit every chance he could get.

"But, that doesn't mean we can't talk about your piece," I said. "Come on Edward, spill!"

"She's great Em, different from anyone I've ever met," he said looking down at the ground.

"That's all I get?" I said. "Come on, seriously what has this girl done to you?"

"She hasn't done anything Em," he said. "I just don't know what you want from me."

"I want what you usually give me Edward, every detail." I said. "Come on, I usually can't get you to shut up. Oh wait, was she horrible? Is that it? Shit, dude I'm sorry."

"No Em, she's far from it," he said still not looking at me. "You never want to hear about my girls, why the change?"

"Come on dude, I told you I need a distraction," I said.

"Oh so because you need a distraction, it's ok but every other time it's not," he said finally looking at me. "That's pretty fucked up Em; I should be able to spill when I want, not when you want me to."

"God, dude seriously?" I said. I had no idea where this was coming from at all. "It's not like you at all, not to want to brag."

"Whatever," he said looking off in the distance. "I'm not in the mood to be your entertainment. Let's just play some more ball. I got shit to do later today."

"Alrighty then," I said. I was completely flabbergasted by the whole situation. Not only did he not want to talk about it, but he got completely defensive about the whole situation. Edward was never like that, he was always up for spilling about his latest conquest. Had this woman changed Edward? That's the only reason I could come up with.

After finishing another game, Edward and I started to gather up our stuff.

"Sorry man," I said looking in his direction. "I'm sorry for pushing you for information about your new girl."

"It's alright Em," Edward said looking at me. "I'm sorry I got so defensive. I don't know what's with me."

"Must be some girl," I said. "Hope it works out."

"Yeah she is," he said. "Nothing like I thought she'd be. I wasn't expecting it at all. "

"The good ones never are," I said thinking about the way Rosie made me feel when we first got together. "Just take it as it comes, and see what happens bro."

"Yeah, it's definitely different. I thought it was only going to be the one time a couple weeks ago, but then I ran into to her again last night and I couldn't control myself. It's like I was on auto pilot man," he said. "Felt like I was watching myself, outside looking in and shit."

"Wow dude," I said. "Can't say that I know exactly what you mean, but it sounds intense."

"It is Em," he said. "She is fucking amazing. I just hope I don't blow it."

"Just follow your heart," I replied. "That's all you really can do." Deep down Edward is a decent person. Sure, he may be a manwhore sometimes, but he has a good heart. He has always been there for me when I needed him. He's honest, trustworthy and intelligent. We've been friends for six years and he hasn't ever let me down so I got mad respect for the guy. Wow, I sound like I'm in fucking love with him.

"Yeah I suppose," he said, staring off into the distance again. "We'll see; I'll probably never see her again anyway."

"If she doesn't call you, you better call her," I said. "Any girl that can make Edward Masen act like this must be a fucking angel sent from heaven."

"Thanks man," he said. "I better get going; I got some errands to run."

"Do you want to grab some beers and play pool or something later?" I said crossing my fingers. I really didn't want to spend the night at home. "Rosie is having Bella over to look at wedding pictures and shit." I noticed Edward's eyebrows rise when I mentioned Bella's name.

"Yeah sure, sounds good Em," he said. "I'll text you a little later after I finish. Go home and patch things up with the Mrs."

"Eh, we'll be fine. She's just throwing a tizzy. You know Rose. She'll be begging for it later," I said; laughing because both of us know it's not true. That was my way of changing the subject, yet again.

"Later man," Edward said as he turned to walk home.

Walking in the opposite direction, I thought about what had just happened with Edward. I'd never seen him act that way about a girl. Maybe Edward's found his perfect match. Who could she be? This girl, this woman must be some Hellcat in the sack to curb Edward Masen's sexual prowess.

Bella POV

I rushed out of Edward's apartment and to my car. My head was turning. What had I done? Where did that come from? Never in my entire had I life staked a claim on someone. It was an emotional risk for rejection and I didn't do that. Edward was quickly becoming significant to me and that wasn't something that ever happened either.

Arriving at home, I made my way through my loft and saw that everything was as it should be. James had shut off my Jacuzzi, knowing it would be empty last night. My evening with Edward had seen to that. Images of Edward and me in it entered my mind immediately; Tuesday couldn't get here fast enough.

I straightened up a few things around my loft before I gave up and decided I needed to nap. Rose and I had plans later to get together at her place to look at wedding pictures. I was going to need a nap to get through that shit. She was anxious to tell me about her honeymoon in Paris. She had called when I was on my way back from Edward's, wanting to get together sometime tonight.

I settled into my California king bed with my Thomas Lee 500 thread-count sheets, which felt like heaven after not sleeping a wink at Edward's place. There I go again, Edward, he was in every thought I was having. How did I get myself into this situation?

Lying back, I began to think to about Jacob Black; someone I hadn't thought about in a very long time. He was my first love, my first kiss, my first sexual partner; my first everything. He had come and gone in my life so long ago that it felt like a dream, or in his case a nightmare.

Don't get me wrong, Jacob was a nice boy, but that's exactly what he was. We met in high school, I was the overachiever younger girl, and he was the older high school jock. We were opposites from the very beginning, but what happens with opposites? They attract. We stayed together throughout high school and even into college.

Sex with Jacob was good; but I knew nothing at that time. If I compared him to the sex I've had since then, it was horrible; the worst I've ever had. It was very boring and mundane. I know now that it was the emotions involved in it, we were so wrapped up in loving one another that we didn't take the time for the physical aspect of it all. The sex never changed like it needed to over the years.

My third year in college I got wasted at a frat party and ended up having sex with some random guy. It was good and so much better than the sex I had been having. The next time I saw Jacob, I ended things. Needlessly to say Jacob was not pleased with me at all. He couldn't believe that I would end things after so long without giving him a better reason. He begged me to reconsider and said that we could work on it, but I was convinced it was the only way.

I promised myself never to let my emotions get the best of me and to enjoy sex for what it was, just sex. I had been neglecting myself for far too long, and wouldn't do it any longer. I wasn't about to become a whore, but I could still enjoy myself. I soon became content on being single and having great sex with no emotions involved.

That's the way I've lived my life for the last nine years. Jacob is married with children. We are friends for the sake of our families and that's it. I am happy with my choices so far in life. I haven't ruled out the whole happily ever after syndrome, but for right now, no thanks.

Somewhere in the middle of my thoughts, I fell asleep.

Almost 4 hours later, I awoke feeling refreshed and ready to fake it for Rosalie. I knew she was excited to show me pictures and tell me about married life. I knew from Emmett that she wasn't very adventurous in bed, so besides growing up together, we had nothing in common anymore. For the sake of family though, I would smile and put on a good show just for her.

Cranking the stereo up with Kings of Leon, I made two pitchers of sangria. One to drink before and one to take over to Rosalie's house, she'd have a glass but that would be it. I was going to need alcohol and lots of it to make it through this night.

Finishing the first pitcher, I called for transportation for the evening. Already feeling the effects of the sangria, I was in no shape to drive. Rosalie was going to be angry with me; I was already thirty minutes late. Luckily, for everyone involved I'm a happy drunk so she could bitch if she wanted; I wouldn't care.

Rosalie POV

Stupid Isabella! She's always late. Why do I even bother? Oh, that's right she's my sister. Probably working and lost track of time. I wasn't really mad at Isabella for being late. I needed to calm down and not take it out on her when she got here.

Emmett and I were fighting and I needed my sister. She was always a big help, she understood that I wasn't adventurous in bed like other woman. Shoot, she was just like me; probably worse, she hadn't been with anyone since Jacob Black. Isabella was too busy working and running her company to care about physical intimacy.

I was also anxious to show Isabella the pictures from the wedding. I knew she would appreciate those; she looked beautiful in them. It's too bad that Emmet's manwhore of a best friend had to be in them. Maybe I could have him airbrushed out.

Emmett had gone out this morning to play basketball with Edward, like he always does and came back in such a good mood. He was whistling and skipping around the house as if he won some prize or something. I wondered what had him in such a great mood. I was hurt to think it wasn't because of me; we were fighting and I knew he was still angry. Paris was wonderful; we went everywhere and saw everything. It was so romantic. Candlelight dinners and baths together were the best part. Emmett sure knew how to treat a woman. When we got back from Paris, something changed. It started one night in bed; we were being intimate and Emmett flipped me over so I was on my stomach. He proceeded to enter me from behind; well not in my behind but from behind me. He called it "doggy-style" and said that it was hot because he could see and slap my beautiful ass. I was appalled; never had I thought he would ever treat his wife with such disrespect. I kicked him out of bed that night and we haven't slept together since. That was 3 days ago.

I was anxious to discuss this with Isabella, because I knew she would see it my way and have some advice on how I should approach the conversation with Emmett.

At precisely a quarter to seven, I heard a knock at door. I heard Emmet greet Isabella and from the sounds of it he hugged her tightly, like he always did. I loved that they got along so well. He showed her to the kitchen and excused himself. Never coming to say goodbye or goodnight, I had no idea where he was off to, or when he planned to return.

When I entered the kitchen and Isabella was fixing herself a drink, humming to herself as she went. She brought sangria with her and was in process of pouring herself a glass. She looked like she had already had some before she got here. I was sure work wasn't the reason for her tardiness.

"Hello Isabella," I said leaning against the counter next to her. "It's nice of you to finally show up."

"Oh can it Rosalie," she said turning to face me, offering me a glass of sangria. "I'm not that late."

"Thanks," I said taking the glass. "I'll let it slide because you brought my favorite."

"Whatever Rosalie," she said laughing at me. "How the hell are ya?"

"Don't be brash Isabella," I said shaking my head in disapproval.

"Hey I've been drinking," Isabella said. "Lay off on my grammar tonight, will ya?"

"Fine, since you have a valid reason, I'll let it slide this once." I said, turning to walk to the living room. "Come see the wedding pictures, they turned out lovely."

"Oh yes, please show me I'm dying to see." Isabella said, following me.

"It's a shame that disgusting Edward had to be in them," I added. "If he wasn't they'd be just about perfect."

"He's Emmet's best friend and his choice for best man," Isabella said looking away. "Cut him some slack, he was a perfect gentleman that night."

"Very well," I said reaching for the album. "Come sit, drool over my wedding. It was absolutely divine wasn't it?" Isabella sat next to me and I placed the album between us on the coffee table.

"You look fabulous Rosalie," Isabella said looking at the pictures. "You made a beautiful bride."

"Thank you Isabella," I said taking a sip of sangria.

"Fuck me," I heard Isabella say under her breath. Or at least that's what I thought I heard. I looked down at the album and she was looking at a picture of Emmet and Edward with their arms around one another laughing.

"Excuse me? Did you just say fuck me?" I asked Isabella wondering if that's what she said.

"No. I said look at that. Look at the size of that flower arrangement," she said pointing to the flowers behind the boys. "I hadn't realized how big the flowers were until now."

"Yes they were quite lovely weren't they?" I shook my head thinking I really must have heard her wrong. "It's a shame Edward had to ruin the pictures of my beautiful flowers. He's such a dirty manwhore, sorry you had to be subjected to him Isabella."

"Stop it Rosalie, just stop it!" Bella practically screamed at me. She set her glass down standing up to look at me. "Alright it's time to have this talk Rosalie. I'm sick of you not knowing what I know." She paused, looking in my direction to see if I was listening. I nodded motioning for her to continue.

"Okay here goes," Isabella said clearing her throat. "You are a prude. You are married to a gorgeous man that if I were you would be all over and twice on Sunday. Gorgeous men are made for one reason and one reason only, for fucking Rosalie. F-U-C-K-I-N-G!" She spelled out that obscene word out as if I didn't know how to spell it or what it meant.

"How can you say this Bella?" I asked. "You are just like me. You are probably worse."

"Pshhh…" she laughed at me. "Yeah right Rosalie. Trust me; I am getting it quite regularly. Always have been, always will be."

"That's absurd Isabella," I said shaking my head. "You haven't been with anyone since you know who."

"Not true, not true at all," she said taking a sip of her drink. "I need a refill, let's take this conversation in the kitchen."

I followed Isabella into the kitchen where she made herself another drink. She motioned for my glass and I handed it to her. I rarely drank more than one but this occasion called for another one.

"You know you can say his name," Isabella said. "I'm not affected by that anymore. I haven't been for a very long time."

"How is it that you can you say that Isabella?" I asked her. "He was such a large part of your life. He is still a large part of all our lives and he broke your heart."

"For fucks sake would you just call me Bella Rosalie?" she said rolling her eyes at me. "You know damn well that I prefer it."

"Fine Bella," I said hating that name, it was so informal. "Explain to me how it is that you are not affected by the mention of Jacob Black's name?"

"I dumped him Rosalie," she said looking directly at me. "He was lousy in bed the whole time I knew him; I cheated on him and then dumped him." She finished letting out a heavy breath of relief.

"What?" I practically screamed at her. "You dumped him? Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"You assumed, and I let you assume it," she said shrugging her shoulders. "Now I just want you to know the truth. I'm tired of pretending to be something I'm not Rosalie. I'm not the innocent little girl that you think I am. I am a woman, and with that, I enjoy sex and lots of it. In fact, the man I was with last night blew my socks off, lit'rally. It was so good last night Rosalie, I can barely walk today."

"What do you mean by lots of it?" I asked wondering the extent of my sister's experience.

"Does it really matter Rosalie?" she asked rolling her eyes. "The point is that I frequently enjoy the company of a man in my bed. That is the reason why I see nothing wrong with the way Edward is. At least he is honest about the way he is, I'm just a big fake."

"You can't possibly be like Edward Bella, he's disgusting." I said. "He sleeps with different women every night and sometimes more than one. Emmett has told me stories that would make you sick."

"Whatever Rosalie," Bella said looking away again. "Been there done that. He really is not that bad. It's better than being like you. You're so frigid, so cold. I bet you thought "doggy-style" was barking during sex before the other night with Emmett."

"I can't believe he told you, or that you let him tell you," I said, tears starting to creep up.

"Please don't cry Rosalie, he was worried. He still is," she said taking my hand in hers after wiping a tear off my cheek. "He's your husband Rosalie, don't you want him to show you how much he loves you?"

"He does Bella, every day he is a wonderful man," I said looking at her. "I don't need crazy fancy sex to show me that. I enjoy our time we have together. Gentle, passionate and sweet is perfect for us."

"What if he wants more?" Bella asked timidly. "What if he wants to be able to show you more of the ways that he loves you, appreciates you, and desires you? There are so many ways for him to show you, and for you to show him Rosalie. If you really love someone, you should show them every possible way don't you think?"

"We've always been alright Bella," I said saddened by her words, knowing that she was right. "Now he wants more, like what we've had isn't good enough. I thought I was good enough and that's why he chose me."

"You are good enough Rosalie," Bella said pulling me to the living room to sit on the couch. "His love for you is growing, so his need to show you is growing as well. Both of your love is growing, evolving and so should the way you express it."

"Is this the way you really feel Bella?" I asked curiously. "Do you believe that love evolves and grows?"

"I think I do Rosalie," she said looking down at her hands. "I've never really thought about it. I think you and Emmett are that way because you love each other so much. I've never loved anyone enough that I've wanted to change or evolve for them. If for some chance I ever fell for someone like that, I would do anything to have them love me that way forever."

"That's amazing Bella," I said enjoying that my sister felt that way. "I hope you find that too. I think you are right about Em and me. I think I could change for him because I do love him that much."

"I love you too Rosie," Emmett said from across the room. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I couldn't resist telling you the same. I've hated fighting with you and had to tell someone. I needed help Rosie."

"Oh Em," I said standing and walking over to him. "I'm sorry for being cold and frigid."

"You are not cold and frigid Rosie," he said cupping my face in his big hands. "You are my wife and I love you more than anything in this world." He leaned forward and kissed me sweetly on the lips. "Can I please come back to the bed now Rosie? I miss you."

"Of course you can Em," I said looking at him in the eyes. "I'm looking forward to it. I want you to show me how to love you more Em, but you'll have to go slow with me."

"Deal babe," he said. "I can do sweet and sexy, swexy just for you Rosie." Then he captured my lips once again.

"On that note, I'm going to go," Bella's voice brought us up for air. "Is my car still outside Em?"

"Oh sorry Bells," Emmet said turning to walk out of the room. "Let me go check."

"Thank you so much Bella," I said hugging my sister. "I'm really glad you decided to tell me the truth and that you didn't hold back any longer."

"You're welcome Rosalie," Bella said. "I've wanted to tell you for a long time. I'm glad it's finally out. Do a favor for me though?"

"Anything Bella," I said looking at her.

"Don't tell your mom and dad," she said looking down. "I think it would be best coming from me, when I'm ready."

"Oh Bella, I wouldn't dream of it," I said hugging her again. "Now beat it, I have some dirty things to do to my husband."

"You go girl," Bella said giving me a thumbs up. "If you need any pointers give me a call."

"Will do sweetheart," I said shaking my head, not quite ready for that. "Call me soon, we'll do lunch or something."

"Cars ready Bells," Emmett said stepping into the living room once again. He quickly wrapped his arms around my waist and began to kiss my neck. "Have a good night."

"Thanks Em," Bella said giving Emmett a wink. "You too."

Emmett POV

Bella walked out of the house and leaned down to kiss my wife's neck once again. I couldn't wait to get her to bed.

"I'm glad you told her Emmett," Rosie said breaking me out of my neck-induced stupor.

"Me too," I said. "What brought that conversation up tonight?"

"Bella's not a prude Em," Rosalie said. "She's quite promiscuous actually. She'd been keeping many things from me, and they all came out tonight. We were looking at pictures, I made a comment about that nasty best friend of yours, and she defended him. She said at least he was open and upfront about what he does, and that she was just a big fake."

"She stuck up for Edward?" I said completely in shock. "Wonder why?"

"Yes she did," she said. "I haven't a clue, she said he was the perfect gentleman at the wedding, and that I needed to stop putting him down."

"Wow babe," I said not knowing what to think. "I'm glad you two talked, and that you see now why I am the way I am. I just love you Rose and want show you in as many ways possible as much as possible." I wiggled my eyebrows at her and growled. She took off running to our bedroom. I stayed behind to turn off the lights and lock up the house.

I thought about the day and couldn't believe what had come about. Edward was already changing because of some big mystery woman. He was acting different and questioning his behavior. Then there was Bells, finally admitting to her sister that she wasn't a prude and that she enjoyed the company of men, and quite often from the sounds of it. At the same time sticking up for Edward for being honest and upfront about his choices. Two people behaving completely out of character. Edward and Bella, Bella and Edward; no it couldn't be? They couldn't be together could they?

"Em," Rosie's voice brought me out of my crazy thought. "Are you coming or not?"

"On my way Rosie," I yelled on my way upstairs. "Are you ready for some smexing?" I heard her giggle and I knew we were on our way to something better. Slowly but surely we'd get there.

Bella POV

What a crazy night! Good thing I had been drinking or I might've actually cared what had happened with Rose. The cats out of the bag finally, thank God!

After settling into my car, I found my phone and pulled up a blank text message. I couldn't help it. I craved him; his touch and his voice. The way he made me feel was unlike anything I'd ever felt before. I was drunk and being honest with others and myself for the first time. What could it hurt?

Edward, Is it Tuesday yet? I could use some company if you're interested. No one else. ~Bella~

I hit send and waited for a response.

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